That is why God does what he does for us...
The last thing He wants is for you to be stuck.
Stuck by issues. Stuck by your past. Stuck by others.
In fact the imagery used in the Bible I think shows Gods heart for people again and again.
You can read about God rescuing over a million people from slavery in Eqypt.
You can read about God saying that He will release the prisoners from their captivity.
And you can read that God wants to take us all from something called 'mirey clay' and set us on a rock.
Then you watch God putting His actions where His heart is...and sends His only Son to rescue us by going to the cross and rising again.
That action alone won us the opportunity to be truly set free. To have this thing called Freedom.
John 8:36 says...
...if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
You and I can be happy through the freedom only He can bring.
You don't have to accept being restricted, held back or even imprisoned by life!
His heart for you is to have you living in freedom, not just hoping for it.
So how do you get it?
Give your life first, foremost and completely to Jesus.
Grow in relationship with Him.
Get discipled.
Get some prayer ministry from someone you know can help you.
Don't wait another day!
If you are not free, get free...
And if you are free, help someone else that isn't yet to have what you have.
That is how I think it works.
Something to think about...