Wednesday, December 08, 2010


I was reminded again this week what power each of us has to influence someone’s life.
Either to do good...or completely the opposite.

Now I am not talking about your abilities or gifts.
It is not just restricted to people in high places!
Everyone can influence by that soft fleshy muscle thingy flapping around in their face...their tongue!

According to the Bible your tongue even though it is moist, can set a forest on fire.
Maybe not literally, but definitely figuratively.
With it you can destroy someone pretty quickly.
For me, I can think of several moments in my life where what someone has said to me or about me has caused damage. They sad thing is, most of those people don’t seem to care.

The Bible also says there is the power of life and death in the tongue.
Whether you believe it or is a weapon of mass destruction and only you have the launch codes.

I have seen what sharing kinds words over someone and towards someone can do. How change happens in their life.
I have seen someone get a word of encouragement in a Church and it totally change their day for the better.

Please think about this and not pass on it…
This is not someone else’s word for today.
It is your word for right this second.

Please, please, please think about what you say.
Choose to be a person who speaks ‘life’.
That you will be non-negotiable about it.

If you are struggling to do this simple thing, get help!
Other peoples lives are at stake.
If you have hurt others ask for their forgiveness.

Let’s be mature not immature…
Let’s be a huge blessing this Christmas not just with gifts but because of what comes out our gob...

Something to think about…

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