Thursday, August 05, 2010


Hey...thought I shock you all and post something twice in 2 days...
Now before you read any the clip from the link below...then come back and carry on reading. I guarantee it will make sense.


The Bible says that God laughs...
It also says that we are made in His image, so we are designed specifically to laugh as well...

It is normal for people who believe in God to laugh!
I think we should take our faith in God seriously...but not to the point where we are dead!
Why is it that religious people are seemingly no fun or potentially have no personality?

It is actually 'christian', actually 'biblical' to laugh!

God wants us to be salt/light/attract.
I have found that fun people who can laugh and enjoy stuff tend to be better at the attracting of people more than boring religious types.
People are naturally attracted to fun people.

Laughter seems to even change something inside of us.
When I was looking into this yesterday and medical research into it, there are several things scientists have found:
1. Laughing causes blood vessels in the brain and other parts of the body to expand promoting blood flow.
2. It produces endorphins, which make you feel happy.
3. In some studies they have found the limbic area of the brain being involved.

That is the part of the brain which helps us with all the basic functions needed for survival.
So is laughter a basic requirement for human survival?

Many of us have seen the movie Patch Adams.
It is based on the true story of a medical student who found happiness seemed to improve quality of life.
He found that happiness was like a drug.
It had power to transform a life.
Power to kill some pain.
Power to possibly heal?

Funny how God knew this all along, and we take some time to figure this out...

Proverbs 17:22 says...
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

The Amplified Bible puts it like this...
A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing,
but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Make sure you take some time each week laugh if you can.
You are designed to function better when you do.
Take some time to enjoy life...
Take a moment...

Something to think about...

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