Why is it that some emotions are easier than others to experience it seems…?
Take getting angry for example.
Most of us have been angry at some stage recently.
Maybe even in the last 24 hours?
Lots of things can make me angry.
And yes I do get angry…
Pastors aren’t all sweetness and light you know….
I get angry when a referee makes a bad call in a game.
I get angry when someone hurts someone else maliciously (not by accident).
I can get angry at home sometimes too…
The spectrum of anger is so varied, and yet it is all the same emotion.
So what is the deal with anger? Is it ok?
I guess ultimately anger can cause a lot of pain.
Anger can scare those around you.
Too much will cause you to do crazy things!
But anger can also cause you to come to someone’s aid in a time of need. It is like an emotional turbo boost!
If you read the Bible you will see everyone in the Book seems to get angry at some stage…even God! The common theme to everyone’s anger which lead to something good...was they didn’t stay angry.
It was for a moment. And then it was gone.
I think that being angry for a moment, and where it doesn’t take you too far in your response, is ok.
Where it is not cool is when it never stops.
When it takes over.
That is when your life is now one of being angry.
Ephesians 4:26 simply says...
"In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.
We all get angry sometimes. That is life.
The key is to not let it take over and cause you to sin.
Plus don’t hang on to your anger...let it go.
As the day ends...let it go with the day...
Something to think about…
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