I started to write this simple thought waiting in our car to pick someone up.
Because I had some time on my own, I had time to reflect on the week and what had been impacting my life.
You may have thought that it would be the teaching at the conference we were at.
Maybe the worship or the atmosphere?
Maybe great coffee?
But what impacted me the most this week was my
interaction with other people.
It was our first time back to our old church since officially moving to Taupo, and it seemed people might have missed us?
Every few meters someone would come and say hello.
Want a hug.
Take a few moments to catch up…
I am not sure how to describe it without sounding like a weirdo, but it was awesome! You realized after you had gone and then come back, that maybe people like you after all.
Isn’t that how it is?
That we generally don’t take the time to show how much we care, when we have the people we care about around us all the time. It is when they are gone, that we realize just how much we cared.
Funerals are a big case and point.
Maybe over the next few days you could think about the people in your life. The ones you care the most for…
Maybe, just maybe, you could tell them.
Appreciate them now.
Because people and the days we spend together are a gift that doesn’t always last forever...
Something to think about...
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