Do you know how much faith you have?
If you had to put an estimate on it…
Or show it on a faith-o-meter…
How much would it show you had?
Last year petrol got really expensive. We were paying well over $2 per litre and at that time I was very grateful to be driving a small engine car.
You had to feel a little bit sorry for all those suckers driving V8’s.
They must have nearly had a heart attack every time they filled up?
You were probably like the rest of us…
Watching our full gauge very carefully.
Making sure you knew exactly where you were at with the petrol you had.
Now I am thinking along the same lines with my faith.
How much do I have in my tank?
How much do I have today? Right this minute even?
So do you want to have more faith?
To have a tank as full as it can be?
Faith is gift that God offers us for free!
But there is a cost…
The cost is our human pride and arrogance.
In our western world view we pride ourselves on making it ourselves.
Proving to the world around us that we are strong enough, talented enough or even resourced enough.
But this gift of faith is so much bigger!
It is there to take us beyond our human thinking and limitations.
I have learnt that you need these things to grow your faith…
- To step out, take some risks in God
- Trust him completely even when it doesn’t make any ‘earthly’ sense
- Persevere in what God has you doing right now
- And keep your eyes and thoughts fixed on Jesus
God will bless your obedience.
His gift of faith will grow more and more in your life.
And you will find yourself growing more and more into the person God has dreamed you can be.
Something to think about…
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