As I look back on the many Christmases I have experienced some gifts stand out?
• The year my grandma gave me a Shoeshine kit...I wasn't very happy!
• The year some relatives gave me 3 of every chocolate bar available at the time...I got hyped on sugar!
• The year everyone seemed to get together and declare it Ugly shirt year!
• Christmas last year with my family in Invercargill was one of my favourites!
The also seems to be lots of rules about Christmas Gifts:
• No touching
• No peeking
• No shaking
• No opening before the appointed day/time
Jesus is God’s gift to us.
But with a huge difference…there aren’t a whole bunch of rules!
You can touch. You can sneak a peek. Maybe not a good one to shake.
But it is here again for you today at the appointed day/time.
It is a gift God has got planned for you for Christmas if you haven’t received it before.
Two men who knew quite a lot about this gift called Jesus penned these words…
Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:17)
…the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
The amazing thing about this gift is how it comes to the form of a baby.
Someone as innocent and unthreatening as possible.
Someone totally approachable.
Which is exactly the way I think God wants it.
So how do you receive this gift?
The same way really you receive an everyday sort of gift.
• You accept it.
• You unwrap it.
• You make the most of it.
The Bible simply says that if you in believe in your heart and say you accept this gift…then you have received it completely. It is yours and no one can take it away. It won’t go out of fashion…and it will never wear out!
Something to think about.
Merry Christmas everybody!
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