Are there sometimes during your week where things just seem a little too crazy?
Where things seem to crowd in a round you, and you can hardly think straight?
Where you no longer feel in control of your life?
Where your life is seemingly being controlled by everything else around you…
I think we all have moments like that.
The trick is to know what to do during those moments.
Is there something you can do that will help?
To be honest, my week has definitely been like that so far.
But the cool thing is, there are 4 things that help me.
4 thoughts I consider that make a huge difference to me...and I know they can help you too.
thought one
Jeremiah 8:18
O my Comforter in sorrow, my heart is faint within me.
The Bible calls God our comforter. In fact one of the original Greek words for the Holy Spirit means the same thing. He is the one called to come along side us when we need help.
I always ask the Holy Spirit to help me, to comfort lead and guide me...
thought two
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
God doesn’t expect you to be superhuman and carry all your burdens and even everyone else’s on your own.
Simply hand them over to him.
Talk to him along those lines…Hand it over...don’t hang on to them.
thought three
1 Corinthians 10:13
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
I believe the principle here is the same for when are struggling. God will not let the present trial you are under ever be beyond what you can survive through.
He even will provide a way out.
thought four
James 4:8
Come near to God and he will come near to you.
This is cool. I know that when I feel under pressure, the best pressure release I have is to simply come before God.
To get in his presence. To get away with him.
To let the peace of God rule over my heart.
It helps get things back into perspective. To know God has get things under control even if I don’t understand them.
I mean, he is the creator if everything. Nothing is beyond his reach or influence.
Something to think about...
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