Wednesday, April 23, 2008

With all that has happened this week...what else can I write about but the tragedy and what it has done in me.

As most of you will be aware, 6 students and 1 teacher from our college lost their lives in a freak flash flood last week.
Since Saturday their have been 7 funerals!
All of them celebrating their lives and what they had achieved in such a short time on this earth.

You can’t help but wonder what they would have done if they were still here with us longer…we will never know...

What we do know is that they have run their race.
They have gained the prize.
They have entered their rest with God.

Life is so short, and this has been emphasized so much over this last week!What we have been given on this earth can finish so quickly, and normally without any warning.
But dying is so important!
Without death a seed doesn’t begin to germinate and grow.
Without dying to our selves we don’t really grow in God.
And without ultimately passing from this life into the next, we don’t get to hang out with God in his presence forever!

There are so many thoughts, so many ideas…
Maybe I shouldn’t call this week a simple thought?

The reality is that what has happened has affected us.
It should affect us.
It should cause something in our lives to happen.

The challenge is to learn from God what he wants us to do now.
I am sure if Tony, Tom, Floyd, Portia, Natasha, Anthony & Tara could speak to us today from heaven, that they would all say the same thing…
For all of us to go after God!
To make the most of the life we have been given!
And run our race until the we can be with each other again in a better place!

Something to think about...

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