When I read my Bible I regularly come across phrases or statements that challenge my thinking.
...and the even more amazing part for me is that these challenges seem to relate to exactly what I thinking about at the time.
Recently I have been on an adventure with God in regards to healing.
I love the idea of it.
The fact that the creator of the universe can fix a body in a short space of time because we ask him too! Amazing stuff really!
But I realized a few weeks a go that I wasn’t seeing it happen that much.
Maybe because I wasn’t even trying to see it happen…
Then doors opened to be able to pray with people and we have seen many healed in the last week or so. It is so cool!
Seeing God doing stuff like this got me thinking.
Maybe the reason we haven’t seen many healed or we are not sure God can heal...is because we haven’t been asking…
It seems strange to me that we can so easily think the negative about this.That we easily think God won’t do it, not that he would do it.
In the book of Romans it has this little phrase after talking about foods...
“...everything that does not come from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23 niv)
It sounds like to me that part of what is sin, is when we aren’t stretching our faith in some way. When we get to a point we aren’t growing or trying something new in God, when we aren’t standing on what he has promised…
Where we are happy to stay stagnant or wanting things to stay as they are.
Elsewhere it says:
“...the righteous will live by faith” (Galatians 3:11 niv)
We are righteous because of what Jesus did giving us right standing with God, and part of the outworking of that should be by living by faith somehow.I think it is believing for the impossible.
It is looking at what God says, and even though we can not see something in the natural, we go for it anyway.
It is ok to not have all the answers...because faith is not about having all the answers...it is about trusting in God who is so much bigger than the answers.
Faith for me is action.
I want to live out my faith, not just rest on the history of it.
Faith for me needs to grow.
So that I grow and will not become old and crusty.
Faith can grow and encourage those around you.
It shows all of us that God is working still.
Faith helps show God to our world!
My prayer for you is that you will have opportunities to grow in your faith this week.
That even though a faith opportunity may look scary...you will do it anyway and let God grow you and use you.
Go for it guys!
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