Isn’t it funny how we come up with special events based on some thing that happened and the meaning gets mutated over the years?
Here we are at Valentines Day, that annual event that you look forward to or possibly dread (depending on your relationship status).
One of the images used for the day is a fat little toddler, in a nappy trying to shoot people with arrows to make them fall in love. As cute as it maybe, if you think about it, it is a little crazy.
I have personally known quite a few toddlers, and I would never give them a weapon to use or let them choose a partner for me.
The reality is that they would probably make you fall in love with a teddy bear or Barney.
Anyway, the real story behind Valentines Day is quite cool!
During the early church times Valentine seemed to be quite a common name. The name became more popular it seems because many were martyred for their faith who had that special name.
One man in particular who lived in Rome stood for his faith against growing opposition and persecution, again his name was Valentine.
Claudius passed a law banning marriage so that the young men would join his army and not be distracted by fiancées or wives. But Valentine believed marriage was in fact a gift from God and something to embraced and celebrated, not run away from. So he would hold secret wedding ceremonies. Couples would meet with him and he would whisper the vows.
Unfortunately one day he was caught and thrown in prison for his activities.
Apparently the jailers daughter would visit him many times. She supported his stand and wanted to learn more from him.
The story goes that on the day Valentine was to die he left this girl a note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. He signed it, “Love from your Valentine”. That note, written on the day Valentine died – February 14th, 269 AD – started the custom of exchanging love notes on St Valentine’s Day.
As you can see, Valentines day is for people in love, but also for people to thank others for their love.
The Bible talks a lot about the relationship we are supposed to have with each other. It says things like love another, do nothing out of selfish ambition, do what you can to get along with each other, greet one another with a holy kiss…(ok I am getting carried away, but you get the picture).
As Christians we are supposed to be the expression of Gods love on this planet.
Part of our role is to share that with anyone we meet.
So today, how about showing some love?
Maybe a simple email or text to a loved one or friend?
Thank someone for caring about you...
That is the real Valentines Day!
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