The Christmas story mentions several encounters with what we call angels.
In fact the Bible is full of stories on how they interacted with God and us humans here on earth.
What I love about angels is how they seem to just show up when people lest expect.
I don't recall reading about anyone who planned to see an angel, or anyone who know ahead of time they were about to arrive.
Looking back at my life I think I have met an angel or maybe two angels to be precise.
It took on the same pattern. I was taken by surprise.
The circumstances were so random that you couldn't have planned it.
As you read on, I will let you decide for yourself…
While in Russia many years a go, I was traveling around with a Pastor.
Part of that journey required us to take two different trains within Moscow itself.
The problem was that we couldn’t figure out once on the first train where we needed to get off. If we missed the right station, we would most likely miss the next train???
Someone took notice of us and introduced himself as a Doctor from Afghanistan.
He stayed with us until we got to the correct stop and made sure we were ok.
Some years later I found myself in Japan on my own, having to catch several different trains to a remote part of the country.
Part of my problem was that I don’t speak or read Japanese.
The further we went from the main centers, the less English was used on the signs.
The last train I had to catch pulled out on schedule. I knew I needed to get off at a place called Inuyama, but didn’t know how many stops away that was.
At the first stop I looked out the window and to my horror, found all the signs in Japanese only. Now I had no way of finding out where to get off!
A man approached me (I must have looked distressed) and in English, asked if he could help.
He introduced himself and explained he was from….yes you guessed it Afghanistan!
He also stayed with me until the correct stop and even got off the train to make sure I made it off the platform ok.
What are the chances of that happening in two different countries under those circumstances!
I have wondered ever since whether maybe God sent an angel to help me???
Hebrews 13:2 says...
Some have entertained angels without knowing it
So when you read the Christmas story in the Bible…
Matthew 1:18-2:18; Luke 2:1-20
Maybe you could imagine what it would be like to be visited by an angel?
Maybe you have already experienced that at some time in your life?
Or maybe it is something for you to look forward to!
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