Over my ‘christian’ lifetime I have tried to keep learning.
Initially it was mostly for me. I wanted to understand what this whole ‘being a christian thing’ was all about. I wasn’t ever happy with just saying I was one, I wanted to know why I was one.
I have found most people are the same. They don’t naturally choose to be confused about what we believe, they don’t choose to not understand.
You see this most of all in people who have just made the decision to become disciples.
The other day I was sitting in the lounge early in the morning trying to read my Bible when Jack came in.
Basically my reading was shot…but in a good way.
Jack wanted to read what I was reading and he picked Matthew to start.
He started to read how Jesus was born, which brought up questions.
“Daddy, how does God make babies?” was his first question, which he attempted to answer himself. He said that God does magic. He wiggles his fingers and says a special phrase and all of a sudden there is a baby.
Now he was actually right to some degree.
But I wanted to help him understand a little better, so we looked up Genesis 1:1.
It simply talks about God speaking and then it happens. No need for God to wiggle fingers, he is all poweful and can do anything.
We then went to Psalm 139 and I showed him the passage about God knitting us together in our mothers womb.
He loved it! Talked about how God knitted his ears and how God made him from the tip of his head to his toes.
God wants us to PASS
Pass on to others what we have learnt, what we have found from Him.
Especially his Words, which are way more prowerful and have more authority than our opinions.
Under the Old Covenant, Moses passed on the words he got from God to the people. (Acts 7:38)
Under the New Covenant, we all are called to Pass the Word of God on.
1 Corinthians 11:2
I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the teachings, just as I passed them on to you.
So what is my point?
Very simply, we need to pass on what we have to others…and the Word of God is the easiest to pass on. It is the most important to pass on. It is the most powerful ‘word' to pass on.It takes the pressure off us to personally to have every answer for every situation.
Simply trust that whatever you read and study from his word...he will bring out of you just when it is needed.
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