Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Well it certainly is Christmas!
Everywhere you look you will get reminded of it.

When I was thinking about what to say this week, I actually think I would like to pass a couple of things we talked at Cafe Church last week.

If I think back on all the Christmas I have experienced, the most memorable events were not the items of food or the places…

It is the people who made up those Christmas…

Like the year that my Uncle Donald turned up for Christmas with no teeth.

That week he had had them all removed ready for false teeth. He wore a tshirt that had a picture of Jaws on it with no teeth…and the phrase ‘Gums’ underneath.

All he could eat with soft white bread with a little jam.

And even then he complained about the pips getting stuck where the teeth used to be.

Like the year that every grand child received an awesome toy from Grandma except me.

That year I received a bible, and I wasn’t happy about it.

Like the following year...

Where all the kids got something cool…and I got a shoe shine kit…again from Grandma.

Like the year I woke up on my own in a house I was housesitting.

I’ll never forget the way I felt being alone. That no matter how much I told myself it was just one day…I still felt so dissappointed.

Like the year where it was the first Christmas for my Grandma after Grandad died.

I remember her waundering around the garden on her own for long periods of time while we sat inside…and no one seemed to know what to do.

But mostly I remember the excitement, the fact it was the time of year when all of my family came together.

In fact it was the only time of the year when the whole family came together.

Christmas is all about being with other people. Sharing that day is what makes it special!

So let's make sure we all are sharing it with someone else...

If you are going to be on your own, please let us know, cause we want to help.

If you have room for one more, please let us know, cause we know people who need somewhere to go.

And finally, from myself and my family. I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

This is the season for finding God. I know he wants to bless your life.

Go for it! Have a great time, a great rest, whatever you need.

And remember we are still here for you over the holidays.

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