I am so very honoured that you read my 'simple thoughts' and I truly hope they have helped you in some way either big or small.
For a huge number of reasons (to many to mention here right now) our world is changing dramatically and somewhat unexpectedly.
Because of what has happened to us as a family in recent times I have decided to take a break from writing and ministry to spend time with them, focusing on getting healthy and whole again personally.
Because of what has happened to us as a family in recent times I have decided to take a break from writing and ministry to spend time with them, focusing on getting healthy and whole again personally.
To allay any fears you might have, we have not done anything "wrong". It has just become time to step away from full-time ministry for a season.
Please know I appreciate every single reader.
You have inspired me to keep writing in this format most weeks for nearly 15 years now.
I hope to be back with you sometime in the not too distant future.
Until then, God bless you my friend!