Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Rise of the Karen

If you are taking note of different cultural phenoms right now you have probably heard the phrase attributed to certain behaviour, these people, generally ladies called "Karens". 
I have to admit I feel a bit sad for the Karens out there who are genuinely nice people. Their name is being used in such a derogatory manner.

A few definitions might help if you haven't come across this term?
Wikipedia defines a "Karen" as ... someone as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. This seems to be the nice version in my humble opinion.
My definition is as follows ... someone who may or may not have been wronged and yet over reacts verbally, physically or both to a situation that triggers them.

Even last night I was suggested a new YouTube channel to watch in my suggestions section entitled "Karens in the Wild". It is not for the faint hearted of those offended by verbal tirades using "colourful" language choices. In fact it is kind of an embarrassment...
It highlights that level many seems to think is ok to stoop to, when life is difficult, or there is a sense of being wronged in some way.

It certainly has made me think...
As someone doing what I can to live my life to glorify God, is being a Karen justified on any level?
Should we be different from the culture - well the answer is yes.
If our "saltiness" as scripture tells us has become the worst form of saltiness (bitterness, anger, rage) then how will any one believe our message. Our lives are saying the opposite of who we want to be.

So here I am today reminded of two things:
One, to make sure as much as I can, to handle myself well, to seek to help where I may be struggling.
Two, to show grace to those who have let the "Karen" of their flesh bubble up and then define them. That maybe I shouldn't be entertained by their struggles, but instead desire to offer them something better.
It seems ultimately to me that being a "Karen" is a cry for help. Not a label for us to further push them away from the love they so desperately need.

Something to think about...

Friday, November 13, 2020

Accepting the process

The very nature of life itself follows process...
I am wondering if accepting it is half the battle?

You are not born an adult and well adjusted.
You don't even wake up to be a totally different person to who you were the previous days.
Even before that you had 9 months of what we called gestation. A hidden away process to develop you from conception to your first first birthday.
Butterflies have a change process in a cocoon as they metamorphosis from a caterpillar with insane amounts of little legs.

Frustration is magnified I think for us when forgot that there is a process that even God is working to in our lives. I have been fully and sorely reminded of this during the change process 2020 has brought pretty unexpectantly to our lives and ministry.

In the corner of our garden is a plant, a bush, some might say it has been an eyesore.
We have left it alone for 3 years and talked more about dealing with it than actually dealing with it.
I began to wonder a few months back if I was not playing my part, not following the process for its life and development. And besides it looked like it was dead and worthless.
So armed with a quick gardening tutorial via our friends on YouTube I pretended to have a green thumb and pruned it to within an inch of life itself. That pruning confirmed our very unqualified gardening fear, it was a dead stump now with dead brown stalks presenting itself sadly to the world.
Had I made things worse?
Was the video a have and a shame?
I actually decided to walk away and forget this shameful experiment had even happened. Resigning myself to digging out the carcass in some sort of pre holiday season ritual.

So here we are right now and honestly stunned by what is now proudly displaying itself.
This stump of doom is now a thriving bush of glory.
It is beginning to live up to its name and identity as a Hydrangea.
(Some of you reading this will even be shocked I even know its name LOL)

What changed in this plants life is something we can learn form...
We need to accept that life is a process that God is orchestrating on our behalf.
We might think we look dead, but God knows with His care, there will be new life.
We might think we are fully grown, as messy as we might feel, and yet God prunes away what is holding us back.

Don't fight the process my friend!
Your life is about to change.
There may very well be a brand new season about to open for you if you just accept the process?

Something to think about...

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Goodbye ... (for a while)

Hi there everyone of you amazing, outstanding people!
I am so very honoured that you read my 'simple thoughts' and I truly hope they have helped you in some way either big or small.

For a huge number of reasons (to many to mention here right now) our world is changing dramatically and somewhat unexpectedly.
Because of what has happened to us as a family in recent times I have decided to take a break from writing and ministry to spend time with them, focusing on getting healthy and whole again personally.

To allay any fears you might have, we have not done anything "wrong". It has just become time to step away from full-time ministry for a season.

Please know I appreciate every single reader.
You have inspired me to keep writing in this format most weeks for nearly 15 years now.
I hope to be back with you sometime in the not too distant future.

Until then, God bless you my friend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Watch out for the vacuum effect

I have long been a very keen observer of things.
Watching carefully the effects of short and long-term decisions and actions.
And I have seen something called the "vacuum effect" playing a key role in our lives personally, our Churches, and our nations.

Worldwide there is this idea that you should outright do everything you can to remove a problem.
Be aggressive in your approach. Unrelenting in your resolve.

Now this passion achieves something, but something always replaces something.
A vacuum is always filled. Both in the natural and the supernatural here on earth.
In the animal world this is aptly demonstrated.
If you remove a species for any reason, something always will take its place.
In the world we live this is aptly demonstrated.
If you remove an issue for any reason, something always will takes its place.

Right now we are battling racism (and we should).
We are battling disease (and we should).
We are battling sexism, slavery, hunger, homelessness (and we should).
Exhausting thinking about isn't it?...

But what will replace the space from which something is removed?
Obviously I have an agenda. I don't mind admitting it in the slightest!
We need to pour light into the darkness.
Because simply removing a darkness only just lets another darkness take its place...

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

Remember we are light and if we withdraw it just becomes darker.
Darkness doesn't force out light, it isn't that powerful. 
Light is the decider on how much darkness or not there is.

It is time to shine.

Something to think about...

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Don't have a favourite Bible Verse

I think I am real guilty of this...
During the course of my life doing all I can I help others follow Jesus, we have regularly asked the question "what is your favourite Bible verse?". Asked people mostly in group settings, to share with the said group, what their personal favourite might be.
Some are ready real fast to answer.
Others have a look of horror clearly on their dials, as though they didn't realise they should have one. And others just say "mine was the same" hiding the fact they have drawn a blank.

Now I am honestly wondering whether it was such a wise move?

Please bear with me as I explain...
And I welcome you replying with your own thoughts anytime!

My reason for this possible conclusion today is based on the concept of "camping" on one verse or passage. The idea of where you base your faith, ministry or outlook on life on a key favourite verse.
We have a natural proclivity to stick with what we know and what makes us feel good. While this can provide comfort at some point, I am not convinced it is conducive to continued growth.
While the verse "for God so loved the world..." (John 3:16) is super cool and important. It is not enough. There is more to learn and grow in my friend.

I am fully convinced that God's Word is as advertised by heaven itself.
It is so real, so alive, so relatable to each of us on a personal level (Hebrews 4:12).
It won't tell you what colour car to buy or what style of sunglasses to purchase, but in regards to anything personal and what is really most important - it has got you more than covered!

Here are some simple examples...

I have heard people in good faith say they only give to God when it makes them happy. Because as God's word says "God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7)
What else does God's word say about giving?
The same chapter talks about not being reluctant, which to me is not always the same as cheerful.
It talks elsewhere about being generous. It talks about sowing seed.

I have heard people say that God loves them just the way they are.
1 John 4:16 explains passionately about how God loves us. It is awesome!
What else does God's word say about God and our relationship to Him?
God disciplines those he loves (Hebrews 12:16)
That He is also a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29)
Personally I believe firmly that "God loves you just the way you are and also loves you too much to leave you that way".

I also love how the Apostle Paul summarised his life and ministry in one of his amazing letters.
For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. Acts 20:27 NIV

When I marry this sentiment with what the Word of God says it is, the last thing I want is a mere favourite!
I want all of it.
I want to swim deep in it.
I want to chew it completely over.
I want it to speak to me in any way I need.
I want it to change me more and then some more again.

I want to encourage you most strongly today and especially in this season of time, to maybe consider moving on from a mere favourite one verse to embracing all the Word of God, one piece at a time.
Because when you approach it like this you will not limit God in your life and you will not hamstrung your faith.

So what do you think?
Has this been an issue for you?

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Opus vs Event

If you want to make me cry just sit me down to watch a movie called Mr Holland's Opus.
I'd better make it clear that that wasn't an invitation.
But I am known for "leaking" during its screening, I have witnesses, and I think I am ok with that...

The premise to the story is based around a man, his name Glenn Holland.
His dream is write what is termed in music an Opus. And not just any opus, one that is defining for him, not just another piece of music but one that people will truly love.
The story essentially is that he thinks every event and moment in life was conspiring against him when in fact the opposite was true. Having his time to write taken away to do extra jobs to pay the bills, helping raise other peoples children as a teacher and raising his own deaf son, all build a growing tension in his soul.
The finale in the movie is Mr Holland's moment of revelation.
That his life has actually written an Opus on every other heart he has come into contact with.
His life made a difference!

So today I want to ask you this...
Are we living to create an Opus 
or living just for the next event?

In our culture we tend to live for the moment.
Live for the next event good or bad that is happening to us and around us.
We are looking forward to the weekend.
We are looking forward to a special event like a birthday etc.
Maybe a holiday, a romance, a new car, the next instalment in a movie franchise.
We base our lives on event stepping stones, hoping we don't slip in some way.

I want to encourage you that God has a plan for your life that is not just based on events, but is more like an Opus.
There are all the "movements" of a great composition.
Highlights and low. Moments of passion and moments of quiet.
And finally the glorious finale.

My friend can I encourage you to enjoy the good moments of life?
Cherish them. But don't live only for them.
Please see your life as something beautiful like a piece of great music that God is writing.
Let Him conduct. Let Him weave his glory throughout the piece.
Your life, my life, can and should be an Opus written by heaven.

Something to think about...

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Their intentions verses Gods plan

One of the biggest frustrations for fellow believers expressed to me over the years is that they sometimes have been truly hurt by the words and actions of others of faith.
We rightly have high expectations of each other.
And those expectations are very easily bruised along lifes journey.

To be honest it happens to us all at some point.
Has happened to us personally again very recently.

But can I attempt to encourage you with a few simple words today?

Joseph was hurt by the words and deeds of his very own family.
They hated him for being a "dreamer" and conspired to initially kill him before settling on selling him to slave traders. Not a cool moment it would seem for the "family of faith".

Listen to the most powerful words he ever spoke.
They express the power of hope.
They opened the door for the dream to be fulfilled.

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20 NIV

He had every right to be offended.
Every right to want to exact his revenge.
And yet his outlook on the worst moments of his life is starkly different to our human inclination.

If your hope is in Christ today may you derive comfort from these words.
God is so for you and not against you that no matter the worst anyone offers up against your life.
God is working to a far bigger playbook. His Will prevails.
The worse your enemies rage, the bigger your victory!

Don't hope for harm to befall you, but if it does or has recently, please know God knows.  He will use it for His glory.
Just hold on to the hope you have even if your hope is being sorely tested. This painful moment will bring about salvation not just for yourself but many others.

Please be encouraged today!

Something to think about...

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Watch out for the oil level!

I am not always excited on a human level to write Simple Thoughts like this one. The reason being is they are not traditionally very popular. And in our social media, likes based value system, you have to reconcile that before you publish some things.

God loves to see each of us encouraged in our faith. Built up. And growing. And as part of that growing process sometimes we need to be challenged, not just encouraged.
Just being honest with you before I continue this train of thought...

I really felt to write and remind us to watch out for something very specific in this season.
To watch out we have the oil we need to navigate our life and faith properly. Because we live in amazing times with some major change, drama and excitement, it is easy to forget about the most basic and needed components to faith in Christ.

Jesus shared a parable one day that goes like this...

Matthew 25:1-13 TPT
1“At the time my coming draws near, heaven’s kingdom realm can be compared to ten maidens who took their oil lamps and went outside to meet the bridegroom and his bride. 2–4 Five of them were foolish and ill-prepared, for they took no extra oil for their lamps. Five of them were wise and sensible, for they took flasks of olive oil with their lamps. 5When the bridegroom didn’t come when they expected, they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. 6Then suddenly, in the middle of the night, they were awakened by the shout ‘Get up! The bridegroom is here! Come out and have an encounter with him!’ 7So all the girls got up and trimmed their lamps. 8But the foolish ones were running out of oil, so they said to the five wise ones, ‘Share your oil with us, because our lamps are going out!’

9“‘We can’t,’ they replied. ‘We don’t have enough for all of us. You’ll have to go and buy some for yourselves!’

10“While the five girls were out buying oil, the bridegroom appeared. Those who were ready and waiting were escorted inside with him and the wedding party to enjoy the feast. And then the door was locked. 11Later, the five foolish girls came running up to the door and pleaded, ‘Lord, Lord, let us come in!’

12“But he called back, ‘Go away! Do I know you? I can assure you, I don’t even know you!’

13“That is the reason you should always stay awake and be alert, because you don’t know the day or hour when the Bridegroom will appear.”

This parable is purposefully shared by Jesus to get you to think.
To think about your own readiness for eternity right now.
To get you to check your oil level right now.
When you read this I hope that is exactly what it does...

To all those of who have read these Simple Thoughts over many years or maybe just recently and from all over the globe, I want to spend eternity with you!
Keep working on, making time for and developing your relationship with Jesus.
Keep asking for the Holy Spirit to fill you each day.

I want to be ready. Are you ready?

Something to think about...

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Watch out for the pendulum swing!

A famous man once trained for a very special profession.
It was seen as prestigious. Glamourous.
One that brought honour to his family.
During his extensive training and initial attempts to operate in this role and the world he lived in, he discovered to his horror things weren't as they seemed.
Hypocrisy was rampant.
Manipulation was everywhere.
And the people tasked with good, seemed to be doing the very opposite.

In his passion to fix all this, he wrote his considered ideas and ideals down and "posted" them in a very public place.
The upshot of this much needed revelation was a revolution.
And the upshot of the revolution was that it went too far...
Along with addressing the issues of his time, many, many innocent people were killed.

Please understand that his goal was right and noble.
The pendulum of change just swung too far!
Eventually some equilibrium was experienced, but at a huge cost.

I see this phenomenon also play out on a personal level.
I see someone wanting to change something about their life for the better. They dive hard into addressing their weight, fitness, or relationship.
Sometimes the pendulum swings so far they have problems out the other side. Yoyo dieting, failed goals that sit deep, and damaged relationships litter their path of good intentions.

Over the last few years I have spoken with many people upset that their good intentions lead them down roads they regretted in hindsight.

So what is the answer to this?
How do we bring much needed change without swinging on a pendulum that creates another challenge to overcome and a price to pay?

Here is my simple advice in this regard...

1. Slow and Considered over Fast and Furious
Better to work an issue through, get great advice, rely on the skills of others, than to blindly create a whirlwind of change.

God loves to bring about Godly change through Godly people.
He has a history of it.
The Apostle Paul recommended a marathon approach to faith as opposed to a sprint.
Sprinting is all about power and purpose for a moment.
Marathon running is far more nuanced and strategic.
I learned in my running that it worked best when you had a goal, then applied strategy to meet that goal, along with a willingness to make adjustments along the way.

1 Corinthians 9:24 NIV
Run in such a way as to get the prize.

2. Rely on Outside Power over Internal Passion.
It is easy to ran fast at an issue and in a fit of passion want to be the hero of the hour.
Instead I recommend sometimes a more considered approach that may mean a little delay. Better a little delay and get it right, than passion creating a newer challenge.

John 16:13 NIV
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

3. Design a Landing Spot along with a Starting Point
Jesus said to consider first what you are looking to build before you even begin.
He understood that a godly strategy included the whole strategy. Not just desire, not just passion and desire, but a clear goal.
No one builds a house by just starting without a full design already worked through and even signed off by others.

Luke 14:28-30 NIV
28“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

In whatever you do, can I encourage you to be a world changer.
And as part of your strategy keep the pendulum in check.
I personally think the result is a lot better.

Something to think about...

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

"I have a right to be offended!"

That phrase has been thrown around a lot in the last few years.
And it has recently made its presence felt in my world and ministry on a larger scale.
So today I wanted to pose a few thoughts...
Do we have a right to offended?
Should we be getting offended?
What will getting offended achieve?
How can we deal with it when it comes?

The irony for me in sharing this blog post is that while talking about offense many we will be offended just by my doing so. Others will hear I have done this and be offended at the very thought of it.
From my little corner of the globe it is like people are waking up every morning and looking under every rock and under every bush looking for offense. And again that just offended someone else...

When I look at offense in the New Testament there are only a few references to it.
Most relate to religious people / powerful people being offended over what Jesus was doing.
And what was Jesus doing?
As Paul is quoted as saying - "he went around doing good"
I am not convinced that Jesus was being malicious and purposefully looking for ways to offend people, He offended people because was doing what He believed God had asked to do.

For any of you still willing to read I do truly hope the following helps us all. And thank you for not writing me off just yet!

Depending on your Bible Translation there are generally on average around 5 passages dealing with the topic of offense in the New Testament.
Most interesting and telling to me is that there are normally 3 times the number dealing with forgiveness.

As a follower of Christ I firmly believe you don't have an inherit right to be offended, instead you have the God ordained power to forgive.
Scriptures tells us it is virtuous and to your glory to overlook an offense. (Proverbs 19:11)
Offended people are not better people in the long run, in fact than find it easier to become bitter people.

Here are couple of quick tips for dealing with it today:

1. Get it sorted and quickly
Matthew 5:23-25

2. Deal with it privately
Proverbs 17:9

3. Forgive and then forgive and then forgive
Matthew 18:21

Jesus hinted very strongly that this stuff would happen.
He didn't tell you to justify it, but to let you know how to navigate and then deal with it.

I will leave with this thought and my sincere prayer and hope we can all grow up more in this area. We should leading the way in overlooking offense and offering forgiveness.

“Being right, looking right, knowing you are right...are not more important than doing right!” 

Something to think about...

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

My battle with racism

As humans we have this very strange ability to be scared of your own kind. Change someones skins tone a few notches, music styles, cultural expression, culinary exploits, and suddenly someone whose DNA closely matches yours suddenly appears different some how?

Many years a go I recognised that I was more like other people than I cared to admit publicly.
In my heart I harboured thoughts that by definition made me racist, even if just a little. Can I just say that you can not "be a little racist"...you are or you aren't...

I am also convinced that every person no matter their background, race, or religion, struggles with this issue.
Sometimes I wonder if the person screaming they are not racist the loudest is many times actually screaming at themselves to not be racist? Just a thought.

All I can do is share some of my journey very briefly in the hope it helps maybe even one person?

And I want to make this very clear...
I am not an expert on this. I am not judging anyone on this.
My approach is based on what helped me on this journey.
And I am still on it. Still planning on staying on it.
I am also not convinced that tearing the world apart to build a new one, fuelled by fear and anger, will ever produce the utopia of harmony many purport to desire.

I grew up in a district without any or many faces of a different colour.
We lived in a farming area where as kids we were blissfully unaware that not everyone was like us. The world was smaller. Groups didn't connect outside their groups.
And one day some people arrived in the district who had darker skins tones. I remember hearing comments. And when supposed stereotypes were lived up, well that just reinforced the position already held.

One of the families had a daughter.
She was a great runner I remember and seemed desperate to fit in at our Primary School.
Then news came through during a long weekend that she had died of Pneumonia.
I know for myself and many others we struggled to understand how that could happen in our well to do district. Many I know stood at that school assembly the next week, stunned, silenced and I picked a little guilty feeling.

After moving to New Zealands largest city in my late teens to follow my dream of becoming a Rock Star I met Jesus. My whole life changed. My goals changed. I was becoming a different person.
In the Church I went to were people from all over the place. Some rich, some poor. Some with big issues, others with small. And the faces weren't all the same as mine.
Looking back this was a great first step for me.
I was exposed to 'the others' in the world. And I remember fondly getting to know an ex gang member with scary tattoos. I needed to interact with people like him!

Not long after this new world opened up I was invited to an Indian culture based Church.
Before we went to minister to them, it was explained they did things differently. They had the men and women seperate in services.
The time would finish with us being invited to have lunch after the service.
That actually scared me the most.
What if I don't like the food. I had never really had curry and spice.
Would I pay a price that would be paid in a bathroom hence forth?
But it turned out completely different to my preconceived ideas.
They were so loving, encouraging and friendly. And the food was amazing!!!
They sat each of us down one by one and prayed amazing prayers over our lives.
I went from fearful to a fan over those few short hours.

In the late 90's I had the opportunity to spend 2 weeks in Russia.
To be honest I was pretty ill-prepared for this trip!
I learned some phrases of their language on the way over on the flights.
You need to understand that I grew up during the Cold War. As kids and then into our teens, we lived in fear of nuclear war and it was the Russians who would be to blame.
That upbringing does something to you. I can see that now.
The upshot of those two weeks is that I discovered that they are also amazing people. Willing to sacrifice anything of theirs to make your time with them better.
To be honest, they made New Zealand hospitality look pretty lame.

One final little story...
I have had the privilege of organising large events which include people from all backgrounds and sometimes even cultures these last few years.
2 years ago we began purposefully including aspects from Maori Culture in our programming, of which I was completely ignorant of. Graciously a man and his wife helped me understand something of the Powhiri. Guided me through it step by step, never once making me feel stupid. They answered every question. Translated every phrase. And then to my shock they asked me to speak in their language at the event. It was one of the most nerve racking events of my life but also the most profound.
It did something pretty special in me that still gives me goosebumps as I think about it and type this.

So what is my point?
What is the takeaway from all this?

My personal opinion on curing racism is not protest, anger, or worse.
It is exposure.
Without exposure, ignorance has a bed to multiply in.

Don't try and go from zero to hero, you won't be able to make it.
I simply would encourage you to ask God first to deal with your heart.
Second ask God to give you opportunity to interact with another people, another culture.
Commit to a journey of discovery and let what you experience influence your heart.
Everyone is scared - but fear unaddressed again leads to prejudice.
God will help you if you are keen and humble!

We are all made in the image of God.
So dear Christian hating someone who is different is kind of like hating God.
Sorry not sorry to say that.
Don't panic, just press into Him.
Ask Him to help you with this struggle if it is yours.
And the opportunity to expand your world with people not like you...

Something to think about...

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Day 56 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "River or Rain"

Grace is amazing.
It is a gift from God through Jesus Christ.
Not a single person deserves Gods grace and yet He pours it out lavishly.
So good!

Grace is amazing.
It has the power to lift ones life from where it is now to something better.
To the lost and broken, grace is the platform to help them rise above, find hope and healing, and move onto life in all its fullness just as God as promised.
So good!

Now to flick back to the river vs rain part...
And don't get wound up about the generalisations...

If you see grace as like a river you potentially see grace as very good.
You want it to flow into your life. To keep flowing into your life.
You swim in it once you think you can trust it.
You float along in its current.
And it takes you to new and exciting places.

From my many experiences, I have encountered many who love this grace.
They grab hold of it gratefully to rescue them from what has happened in their lives. Sometimes to help them recover from the bad choices that we are all wrestle with along life's journey.

Then there is a moment. It comes at some point to everyone.
Where the river is no longer simple and safe, where rapids appear, and the grace river is no longer as they expect.
This is where someone hurts them either intentionally but most of the time unintentionally.
This is where a leader doesn't meet an unwritten expectation.
This is where a Pastor like me isn't as perfect as we all hoped.
When grace is seen only to be a river flowing into a life, they can potentially struggle, get offended, fire off some shots, and many times walk away.

If you see grace like rain, I think this takes it to a whole new level.
Just as rain comes via precipitation to even create a river in the first place, this is where we see grace as flowing in and then through our lives.
Where we recognise there is a mysterious and yet divine cycle to the process.
Rain never makes a choice as to whether where it falls deserves it. It just does it.
Rain doesn't judge the worthiness of the soil. It never rationalises the fruit of its endeavours.
Rain rains. It can do no other.

I want to encourage you, as I did over the weekend to those who tuned in, to go on a fresh journey exploring grace.
To make sure it is raining into your life and through.
To make sure we are not holding back from receiving it or passing it on.
I believe our lives should have grace like rain.

Grace is the defining characteristic of God's amazing character.
Can I encourage you to make it yours as well?

Something to think about...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Day 49 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Down the List"

Many people tell me that knowledge is the most important thing.
That if they can just learn enough about Jesus, that they will be able to follow Him better.
That if they can just learn enough of the Bible that it will all make more sense.
Knowledge is fantastic.
I am a personal fan. A huge fan!
I mean, there is sometimes nothing worse than hearing someone without knowledge on a subject teaching others.

But knowledge it is not top of my list.
And it isn't even second place.
In fact I think it comes in a distant 3rd...

Here's why...see if you agree?

I think that first and foremost it has to be relationship.
It wouldn't matter if I was the worlds biggest expert about my wife Suze, what she is like, her skills and abilities, history and more, if my relationship with her wasn't right.
I can talk more about her and be more knowledgeable based on my relationship.

Jesus was pretty clear that His relationship with His father came absolutely first.
He said He only did what He saw Him doing.
He valued His time alone with Him.
He was His everything!

Second on my list is character.
Talent can open the door as they say, but character keeps you in the room.

I value character over knowledge anytime! Because without good character no one really cares ultimately about your knowledge.
Character development is something we have to embrace along life's journey. Allowing what God allows us to go through and experience to actually build something of lasting value in us.

Then we obviously come to third on the list, knowledge.
You were probably guessing that is where this would land?

In the famous Love Chapter in Scripture, knowledge is down the list to the key aspect of relationship.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 
1 Corinthians 13:2 NIV

Peter wrote some pretty cool things as well for us to consider along these lines.
One of my favourite passages is this one...

5...make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 
2 Peter 1:5-7 NIV

Knowledge is part of what you need to build into your life, never the goal, never the main priority.

God doesn't use the talented or self described super knowledgable if they have no relationship or have bad character. He would rather use anyone else than them. 
Super challenging I know!

Finally, I think your desire to gain knowledge is awesome. I believe God loves that you want to grow in understanding. But please consider the priority of relationship first and character second, then add as much as you can to that good foundation.

Something to think about...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Day 48 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Should I Say Anything?"

I am pretty frustrated just like many of you.
You have my sympathy on that front.
We are nearly up to 50 days of #lockdownlife and the complete finish of which, is still very murky.
When will it end?
Should I get incensed?
And then we here in New Zealand have been told NO to having Church Services as we are familiar with, until further notice. Again, no clear idea when we will be given permission by those in leadership over us.

Should I say anything?

Should I get wild? Post on facebook my anti-authoritarian rants?
Should I be a good little citizen and "zip-it" as they say?

I have learned over the years to measure my response to things.
Not always good at it, I still try. To take a breath. To pray a little.
And then and only then do I make a comment. Well that is my plan anyway.

Here are todays thoughts in a few points:

1. Honour those who are over you, honour God more.

Scripture is clear in Romans 13 that we should honour those in authority over us, no matter who they are, no matter their role, religion etc. Paul makes it clear that God himself allowed them to be in that role.
The trick here as a follower of Christ is to know whether or not to comply.
You need to take a breath, pray a little, then plan any or no response.

2. What the enemy meant for evil, God makes for good.

The early Church gets trotted out as the utopia of Christian modelling. People love to talk about their unity, sharing of resources, huge numbers getting saved and all those good things.
Interesting even though it seems to be a wildly successful Church model, God seems to have a next step that I guess they didn't pick at the time. Opposition arose from those over them, the governments, and they were forced to spread out from Jerusalem.
Many have surmised that this was a difficult time. That the debate about this being of God or not abounded. But history tells it was the best thing, the Gospel spreads further and faster.

So where does that leave my thinking on this?
Right now, today, in this moment, I am taking a breath, praying a little (or a lot) and asking God what my response should be.
Could this be a moment to fight?
Or could this be a moment to excitedly ask God to move us into the next exciting phase of the Church?

Something to think about...

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Day 43 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Be Who You Expect"

I have seen lately a whole bunch of people upset by a certain style of living and leadership.
It is where someone tells you how to live, behave etc but doesn't follow their own dictates.
Then to make things worse for those upset, the perpetrator of their hypocrisy explains it away, that the rules simply don't apply to them.
And that makes it worse for the people upset...

I have used a 2 bucket system for all my adult life.
What is this system?
I have 2 imaginary buckets in front of me.
Into one I put all the good things I can learn from others.
Into the other I put all their mistakes, missteps and moments that don't match my expectations.
From there you focus on the first bucket.
Maybe that could help you too?

Anyway, my main thought here today is that you and you alone should decide ultimately how you will live. You need to decide, make the choices, and live with the consequences.
Don't get upset by those hypocrites.
And don't stoop to their level.
You be who you know God would like you to be and that's all!
If you are a leader, be a great one!
If you are a follower, be a great one!
Live up your own expressed expectations.
Do what is right. Keep your conscience clear.

Something to think about...

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Day 42 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Strangely Excited"

We seem to have entered the phase that many have longed for, and yet are not sure what it really means? The coming out of lockdown phase maybe more slowly than some like, but also coming out none the less...

I have always had a sense that this time meant more to me and the Church I lead than being locked out of a building.
It was a time God has used to allow us to reflect on things, and more importantly plan for the future.
That is something I have spent many many hours doing.
It is also something I would like to encourage you to prayerfully do as well.

I feel safe to advice you to not just look forward to life as normal.
Normal has changed. Shifted. Rearranged itself on itself.
And even though that has happened, I want to encourage you to work out with Him what your post lockdown life and ministry should look like?
Ask Him to show where you need to shift, not just how recognise the world has shifted you.
Ask Him if there is anything you need to change, remove, rebuild, redefine, again not waiting on the world to tell you.

Right now I probably more excited for 2020 than I have ever been this year. Strange when you consider what has transpired.
But that feeling has all come from my foundation of building my thoughts and feelings around where I believe God is leading me.
Maybe this is your moment to do the same as me?
To not wait until it is over and just roll into life. But to purposely seek Him until your future and the vision of it becomes more clear?

Something to think about...

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Day 39 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Check your Gauges"

The car I drive is not exactly new or flash, but it gets me where I need to go...well normally!
Until recently it has been super reliable.
And then something changed...

Something I have been reminded of a lot in these last few months is that sometimes you need lift the bonnet and check things.
Check the oil and its level.
Check the water.
Check all the other fluids and features that effects normal operation of the car.
Sometimes you can 'gauge' things from a cursory glance across the dashboard. Other times you need to take a moment to look under the hood.

Just 2 days before we went to complete lockdown here in New Zealand I checked things.
To my horror the water reservoir was really low.
Even though that meant a made scramble to get it repaired, I am super glad I checked it. It would have been worse to have been completely broken down during the lockdown, with no remedy available!

As people, it seems we many times wait until we breakdown or are super close to it, before we address things in our lives.
Whether in the natural or spiritually, a crisis seems to be for many our default times to address things.

I would like to suggest to you today to not leave things that long if you have the power to do.
Check your emotional and spiritually gauges.
Sometimes it could be a cursory glance.
Other times you might need to get under the hood.
But please don't ignore the gauges.
And that way you can avert disaster.

Something to think about...

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 34 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "How deep do you want to go?"

As I was walking and praying recently on one of my regular walks I felt the Lord ask this question of me, and I firmly believe He wanted me to pass it on to you today as well...

How deep do you want to go?

Just how deep would you like your relationship with God to be?
How deep would you like to go with Him?
Is your honest answer right now that you are happy with it?
Or maybe you are a little nervous about
getting too deep, due to not knowing what that looks like or hurts from your past?
Or maybe, maybe you have a sense you want to get a lot deeper at this time?

Please forgive me for my plying you with questions and scenarios.
I just want to you to think about it for a moment.

While you do, can I share an account from Ezekiel 47 that helps me in this regard?
What strikes me about this prophetic vision right now is that it is all about different depths in the Spirit.
The imagery is striking and powerful!

We see a "man" measuring the depth of this river every 500m and it is progressively deeper.
First ankle deep.
Then knee deep.
The waist deep.
And finally over his head.

Today how would you rate your spirituality?
Ankle / Knee / Waist / Swimming deep...

Again I ask you...
How deep would you like to go?

You and I have an amazing opportunity in a window that may close soon.
We can work on our relationship with God in this season.
We can maintain or move deeper.
And it seems God allows us to make that choice.
The river of God is in front of each of us and we choose the depth.

Here is something I thought as I pondered this concept...
"I would rather be swept away in the Spirit 
than left dry on a bench head"

May you grow to want to go deeper just like I have been desiring.
May your heart be stirred and and your eyes opened to the river right before you.
And may you be brave and try the deep end with me?

Something to think about?

Scripture Copyright New International Version via the YouVersion Bible App

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 28 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Learn Something New"

This thought will be simple, quick and to the point I hope.
If you want to navigate lockdown life well, pick something new to learn, or maybe a few things?
That's right. Develop yourself with a new skill.
Now is the perfect time!

There so many options nowadays.
Dr Google, Mr Youtube, all have tutorials from here to just about everywhere. Asking others to learn from them. Reading a book.
You name it, there are opportunities.

Why? Well here are a few reasons:

  • It will grow you and develop you a little more. Not allowing you opportunity to not become stagnant.
  • New skills and learning can bring new life and vitality.
  • It is good for your brain.
  • Something new or challenging can give you something to look forward too. And maybe you need that if your lockdown life feels a bit rinse and repeat, even boring.

I firmly believe that God wants to keep growing us, developing us and moulding us.
He is NOT finished with you yet my friend!
So pray first. Learn something new second.
And see what God does with it?
It is certainly building something new into my life in this season.

Something to think about...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 27 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Spirit & Truth"

One of the things I have enjoyed doing over the lockdown is checking out new and nearly new worships songs being written and released around the world. There are many absolute cracker songs that help anyone to connect with God!

Something I do that I highly recommend...

I never ever just leap on a song to potentially worship God with without first sitting down and considering it carefully.
I look at the lyrics, consider the heart of the songs creation, seek to understand what the writers goal actually was.
Because when I use a song:
- I want it to mean a lot to me
- I want to be able to relate to God through it
- I want it to truly help connect me with heaven in that moment.
- I want to build by faith and understanding.
- I want to make sure it doesn't hurt my theology, but instead builds on it.

Jesus taught this very important concept in regards to worship...
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24 NIV

God doesn't care about your style, skill or even volume.
What He cares most about are two things:
Spirit - is it from the heart of who you are? From your heart to His? Being inspired by His Holy Spirit?
Truth - is it what you really mean, desire and really think? Does it match Kingdom truth?

Music is there to be enjoyed and experienced.
But worship is music on a whole new level...
So let's gravitate to songs, to moments of worship, that reflect Spirit and reflect Truth.
Ignore cool for what is real for you.
And let's connect with heaven again today.

Something to think about...

23–24 From here on, worshiping the Father 
will not be a matter of the right place but with the right heart. 
For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who worship and adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.” 
John 4:23-24 TPT

Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 26 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Courageous Leadership"

I watched a movie on my day off today...
The Darkest Hour.
It covers the early hours and the days of Winston Churchills fledging leadership of England at the beginning of their World War 2 journey.

Looking at history, through the filter of time, it is a truly fascinating thing!
Based on a cursory glance at this man and his moment writing on the annals of time is one of leadership. He is credited as being able to help lead a nation through its worst.

So I sat here watching this movie and was stunned by the shear load he carried.
All around was bad news about the war and its progression.
He also wrestled with his past, his failures in previous leadership opportunities, and the cost others paid due them.
The icing on this drama cake, was many influential people around him couldn't stand him.
He faced opposition from afar and from very close to home.

At many times I have faced opposition in my leadership.
Maybe some of was deserved?
But at the heart of who we need to be as a leader is something others don't always see.
You need something inside of you that it is firm and unswerving.
You need conviction and confidence.
You need a direction laced with doggedness.
You need to hold onto what God has said, what His expectations of you are over mans, and run that race as wise and as hard as you can.

Maybe in your times of reflection during this lockdown you have realised not everyone is a fan of you? And maybe that has caused you to doubt two people, yourself and God?

My friend take a lesson from others especially "in faith" who never gave in.
Every leader faces opposition at numerous times and varying levels of ferocity.
The "successful" ones keep their eye on the prize.
Can I encourage you to do the same at this time?

Something to think about...

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal.
It is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston Churchill 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 25 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Competitive Church"

"My Pastor is the best!
No my Pastor is the best!
No MY Pastor is the best!
or I wish I had your Pastor..."

I want to be honest for a moment (not that I am not normally) and share something that has bothered me for a long time.
It bothered me before the lockdown and does again during the lockdown.
For many years I have seen Churches, Pastors, Ministries competing.
Competing for followers, influence, significance, support and maybe more...

I do believe we should grow with our influence and with the message of the hope we have in Christ.
But at what cost?
And based on what motivation?

I believe in the Church!
As I have shared on before, the Church is the bride that Christ is coming back soon for.
We should not seek to be the best or the greatest in my opinion.
But simply do our best. Do what we can to glorify God.

This is not new. And certainly not an easy issue to discuss.
So I will Jesus do some talking...

25...“The kings and men of authority in this world rule oppressively over their subjects, claiming that they do it for the good of the people. They are obsessed with how others see them. 26But this is not your calling. You will lead by a different model. The greatest one among you will live as one called to serve others without honour. 
The greatest honour and authority is reserved for the one who has a servant heart. 27The leaders who are served are the most important in your eyes, but in the kingdom, it is the servants who lead
Am I not here with you as one who serves you?"
Luke 22:25-27 TPT

Jesus is not concerned about whether you have:
The most in attendance.
The most followers on social media.
The most 'saved'.
Whether you are best preacher.
The best leader.
Whether you are the GOAT...

He is looking at our hearts ... full-stop.
Dump the need to be the greatest my friend.
Embrace simply His purpose for this generation.
Operate in the gifts you have and the faith you have received.
And then we will see what He can do even more.

Something to think about...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 21 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "What I Believe"

The early disciples had up to 3 years of formative training.
While they thought they knew what that all meant, maybe had written up their ministry plans based on it, that first Easter changed everything.
But it didn't negate what came before it. And that God was setting them up purposefully for what was about to come next...

If you are familiar with the accounts, essentially after that first Easter, Jesus appears, repairs and prepares them for what is coming next. And that 'next' was God's plan all along!

Jesus did 3 key things...

Appears to the grieving disciples.
Appears to others loosely connected to bring them in.

Repairs the relationship between Peter and himself.
Repairs Peter's standing with his brothers.

Prepares them with more teaching, insight, encouragement.
Prepares them with expectation "wait until you receive power!".

I can't help but feel that I can relate to 
this whole process and scenario today!

We have had many years of learning, discipleship, experimenting and more. And then everything changed with Covid-19...

We lost our ability to meet like we normally do.
Our buildings are now empty.
It is like we have been buried for a time.
But just as Jesus didn't stay buried, we won't!
The same power that rose Christ from the dead lives in us.
It lives in the Church.
For me I have a sense of building power and tension that will cause a tremendous resurrection.

I believe that when we arise in our new season, the world will see Jesus like never before.

I believe that we are about to enter our greatest season as God's people. We will soon enter or have already entered our lead up to the Churches ascension.

I believe the Holy Spirit is about to poured out in a new anointing.
The anointing for revival and the grand finale of the Church here on earth...

Something to think about...

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 20 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Keep the Party Going?"

As I was getting ready for Easter I was looking through some old ideas and notes I had been keeping over the years, and I came across something I thought was pretty cool!

It was from a published excerpt of a sermon originally from N.T. Wright.
Who is he you might be asking?
He is an English New Testament scholar, Pauline theologian and Anglican bishop.
Sounds pretty impressive...

But more importantly I wanted to pass on some his thoughts, because they have stirred my thoughts, and I am wondering if they will do the same for you?

"…one of the main things I want to say this morning 
is that we as Christians must learn how to celebrate 
Easter properly..."

"...my friends, we are Easter people! 
We stand on resurrection ground. 
Easter is not only our greatest party (much greater by the way than Christmas—whatever you do on Christmas you ought to do ten times as much at Easter); Easter is the only reason we are here at all! 
St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians, “If Christ is not raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” Without Easter, Jesus of Nazareth would be a curious historical footnote. 
Without Easter, the world would still be divided into waiting Jews and puzzled pagans."

"No, we should make Easter a forty-day celebration. 
If Lent is that long, Easter should be at least that long, 
all the way to Ascension. 
We should meet regularly for Easter parties. 
We should drink champagne at breakfast. 
We should renew baptismal vows with splashing water 
all over the place. 
And we should sing and dance and blow trumpets and put out banners in the streets. 
And we should invite the homeless people to parties and 
we should go around town doing random acts of 
generosity and celebration. 
We should be doing things which would make our sober and serious neighbours say, 
“What is the meaning of this outrageous party?” "

I don't know about you but I have found this very thought provoking.
It has left me wanting to explore his ideas further.
Especially as Easter weekend has passed, the chocolate is gone, and we look to what's next?

Something to think about?

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Day 18 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Whatever you hand finds to do"

I have been thinking about this verse over the last 24 hours...

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might...
Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV

You might be wondering why?

When the #lockdown was announced I was like a lot of Pastors around this country and scrambled to set myself up to lead a Church Family from my family home.
The idea being we needed to be able to lead, minister, run Services as best we could, all from different locations and with a new paradigm.
Most of us went from running Services in a building to running them over the internet.
The "work of our hands" changed very quickly!

When I consider that verse, I feel even more comfortable with what I am not doing now.
God has given me and every other leader different work to do.
It is just as important and valuable and definitely needed.
And therefore I should do it with all the energy and passion I have...

Scripture also tells that God "orders our steps", that He "prepares work for us to do".
Can I encourage you to embrace with passion whatever this season in God has given you to do?
It is not the end. Just a different turn.
Do it with all your might!

Something to think about...

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Day 14 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "First Easter like this Easter?"

I wrote this in my Churches Weekly Email today as part of my introduction...

As you can guess, I came to realise that in our adjusting to the new "normal" of Church and our upcoming Easter Services, that maybe, just maybe, our new "normal" is more like the original?

On the night Jesus was betrayed most were home.
During the days He lay in the grave most were home.
And at the very moment He rose victorious from that grave, again most were home.
Even the disciples were at home.
In their self imposed lockdown of sorts.
Trying to figure out what to do next?

And then the news came - again to their home.
Some ladies who had gone to visit Jesus tomb, found it empty, and hurriedly returned to share the news within the context of a home.

Please don't be despondent that this Easter is not like any other for you. Maybe rejoice that it is possibly going to be an even more historically mirroring event for you.
The first Easter happened at home for most.
This weekend it will be the same for you.
Good News is coming to your home and everyone else's...

Let's focus on the moment, the message and the meaning this Easter.

Something to think about...

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Day 13 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Quote"

Love this...

Something to think about...

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Day 11 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "God Wants to Speak"

You will have noticed that everywhere is so much quieter...
Our streets have less traffic and the noise they normally generate dissipated. The sound of planes and skydivers near our home has ceased for a time.
Is it like God has turned down the volume for us?

I am fully convinced that God wants to speak to people.
The Bible says that "he has given us ears to hear" His voice.
It is not just the booming from heaven style made famous in movies and satire, but the 'still small voice' that a man like you and me experienced on a mountain one day.

Speaking of that man...
Prior to him hearing God speak there was a ton of dramatic noise and yet it says God was not in any of it, not speaking through any of it.
Thunder, earthquakes, dramatic moments, all the stereotype for a god speaking, and God was not speaking.
It was only when all was still.
Only when all went quiet that God spoke.
Described as a 'still small voice'.

I am fully convinced that God wants to speak to you, not shout at you.
And this is the season I believe He has planned for that to happen.

So why not right now find a quiet place without noise and distraction?
Why not ask Him to speak to you?
Listen for His voice...

Something to think about...

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Day 10 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Lockdown Attitude"

Many of you will have heard the name, others a bit younger probably won't have.
A gentlemen by the name of Terry Waite became famous around the world for reasons I am sure at the time he didn't desire or appreciate.

In the 1980's while trying to secure the release of 4 hostages in Lebanon, he himself was taken hostage, for something like 4 years!
His lockdown life was far more extreme than most of us will experience in our version of being modern hostages in our own homes.

He shared some advice recently that I thought was interesting...

This post from an expert in "social isolating" certainly got me thinking...
There are people around us and over us who have advice we should take, life learnings we should study, a way of life we should endeavour to emulate.

Paul the Apostle famously said these words...
And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1 NLT

Let's together follow great examples and imitate them.
I think that is great advice for helping us navigate life, especially in a lockdown.

Something to think about...

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Day 08 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "As it depends on you"

Have you heard of the phrase "pointing the borax?"
I heard it and variations of it when I was young.
And now all over the world people are doing it with steroids.

After just over a week of #lockdown here in Taupo, New Zealand I am seeing fingers being pointed, the old "pointing the borax" thing, apportioning blame, critiquing decisions and judging others compliance levels.

When I go for a walk around the direct location of where I live (which we are allowed to do) you get the occasional stare and sideways glance. You wonder what they are thinking?
You see posts on Social Media ranting about this group and that group.
"The cyclists are breaking the rules!"
"There were too many people in one car!"
"Surely they don't need that of amount of flour!" (seriously where has all the flour gone?)

Please don't get me wrong...
I am not saying to turn a blind eye to non-compliance etc.
But it did make me think of two very direct verses from scripture.
And by the Holy Spirit reminding me of them, I found they act as a fantastic filter to my sometimes unfiltered emotions especially at this heightened time.

Romans 12:18 NIV
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

The Hint...make sure are doing what you should be doing first and foremost.
Plus don't go looking for a fight, because being immature and using uneducated judgement always leads to one.

Matthew 7:5 NIV
...first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

The Hint...before "pointing the borax" at someone else, please make sure the multiple fingers pointing back at you aren't finding you doing the same or worse.

'Sorry not sorry' if this is a little challenging.
I for one am not on holiday from my spirituality at this time.
And I am constantly asking the Holy Spirit to speak to me.
I wonder what He is saying to you?

Something to think about...

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 07 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Process Like David"

You can be reading this and thinking that maybe you wish you had someone to vent to?
Someone who would listen.
Someone who wouldn't just tell you to just "suck it up", "harden up" or swallow a "concrete pill".
Someone you could feel safe to share your heart and not be judged afterwards.
And someone who once you have become oh so vulnerable, who would keep whatever was said super private!

I have some news for you!
There is someone like that is available right now for you and me.
It isn't an online counsellor, a facebook friend, a politician, or even a pastor!

I want to encourage you today in your potential lockdown world, a world filled maybe with questions and uncertainty of the future, to copy someone else.
I want to strongly encourage you to do what David did.
To share your heart privately, openly and honestly.
God is not concerned about the words and how eloquent they are.
God is more interested and keen to hear from your heart of hearts.

And as you pour out your heart like David, can I encourage you to take it up just one more level and before say "amen", follow his example some more, and add some faith to it all.

The pattern demonstrated to us in Psalm 13 is just that:
Pour out your heart...
And then pour out with heart with faith added...

I am believing with you today that it will make a very real difference to you.

Something to think about...

Special thanks to LifeChurch.tv for use of the 
YouVersion Bible App. Scripture Copyright 
New International Version

Day 06 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Whose Report?"

As someone living in the modern world, you are very much like me I would think...
We are both surrounded by report after report on what this virus means for us now and the future.
Even this mornings reports I read from all sources, with different political leanings and aspirations, different faith perspectives, varied so much that I turned them all off.

As I pondered this.
As I wondered why we can't have "the truth".
A phrase popped into my head (think it was the Holy Spirit to be honest) "whose report will you believe?"
I felt like saying straight back..."whose report should I believe because they are all over the place!"
And that my friend is the point!

A great example of this in scripture is when the 12 spies famously went to check out the promised land on behalf of Joshua and all the Israelite nation.
Even though the 12 saw exactly the same thing. Experienced the same thing. Even tasted the same thing...2 reports that were polar opposites emerged from that mission.

People have a weakness not often acknowledged I believe.
We filter what we see through our own lens of life.
We take facts and apply a filter to try and understand what we are seeing, feeling, experiencing.
If we are not careful we can allow others to apply their filter to our filter, and as you can guess, the truth is potentially even further obscured.

I read just this morning the story of a young man that Smith Wigglesworth (famous evangelist from last century) was mentoring during WWII.
One day this young man arrived for their time together with a newspaper under his arm and Mr Wigglesworth wouldn't let him into the house, declaring that it was full of lies.
Apparently at the time the papers were saying the war was going badly and hope was minimal for success. But Smith firmly believed a different report that there would indeed be victory.

I think you probably get where I am going with all this?
Whose report will you believe today?

I am not encouraging you to become a conspiracy junky.
Nor am I encouraging ing you to hide in a hole until this blows over.
What I want to encourage us to do today is to consider what we want to believe in this time and season.
As for me, I am praying for God to continue to speak clearly, to give me wisdom, to help me see past 'media factsheets' to Kingdom truths and realities.
I want a report from heaven over any other report!
Maybe you could do the same with me today?

Something to think about...

Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 05 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Power of a Song"

They say that music has the power to move someone.
To affect their emotions. To shift their mood.
To change their life.
Now add to that power, power from Heaven...
...what difference could a song, the right song, make in your life right now?

Over the last few days every time I listen to, even sing along with certain songs, my countenance changes.
My mood changes.
I feel stronger.
God feels closer.
And I feel like I can tackle whatever is coming my way...

Here are some of my favourites right now!

Graves into Gardens - Elevation Worship

Faithful Now - Vertical Worship

Can I encourage you today to pick a song?
Pick a special song that connects you with your Father in Heaven.
And let it shift you...

Something to think about...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 04 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Withdraw"

I woke up far too early today and after a while of just lying there thought I would listen to the radio.
Every moment of talk and comment was filled with Corona virus talk, seasoned fully with fear to flavour it up. It didn’t help me at all!

As I was spending time eating my breakfast, thinking and praying, I was reminded about what Jesus would do when the world around him brought pain and or drama.
He would withdraw.
Scripture tells us that Jesus would often withdraw to "lonely places" (no one else around to distract him, no tasks to do), with nothing else except time with His Father in Heaven...

It is also recorded that when the news of his cousins death was reported to him, that it very much effected him.
His cousin is pretty famous in the gospel narrative.
John the Baptist as we call him.
This is a the cousin who jumped in his mother’s womb at the news of Mary, Jesus mother being pregnant.
This is the cousin who he grew up and saw Him at extended family gatherings.
This is the cousin who baptisted Jesus and then witnessed the Holy Spirit coming upon him, the voice of God speaking over his life.
This is the cousin who heard all the amazing reports of what Jesus was doing, that He was who he had been preaching about...
I really do believe that they would have had a pretty close bond.
And when John died, Jesus couldn’t just carry on like nothing had happened.
He needed His Father in that moment...

Jesus even said this one day...
"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31 NIV

And as the writer of Song of Solomon simply says...
"Come away, my beloved..." Song of Solomon 8:14 NIV

Maybe this moment you are facing is affecting you a little stronger than you would like?
Maybe it is causing anxiety, even fear to bubble up for you?

Can I suggest today and any other moment of any other day, that you 'come away with Him'?
Just get away for a moment to breath.
Take a moment to be in His presence.
Pour our heart and then listen to His voice in return.
Ask him to refill you with His Spirit and to pour peace on your soul.

I believe He will meet you in a special way when you do.
That choice to come away with him will be for you exactly what you needed!

Something to think about...

[ For a Video Version of this Simple Thought click here ]

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 03 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Necessity & Opportunity"

Since the lockdown a lot has obviously changed for all of us journeying through it.
Our lifestyles have certainly changed to reflect our new reality.
For me personally as a Pastor, I have quickly needed to adapt to a 'new normal' of leading a Church.
It is not business as usual.
My routines have had change to reflect this.
My methods as well.

I have discovered as I actually predicated earlier in the week, that this is an amazing time to learn some new things, develop new skills etc.
Just yesterday I recorded a video message. That meant learning how to setup audio recording, camera placement, lighting on a ridiculous budget and grabbing anything we have lying around. I still have a lot to learn but also the learning has been fantastic for me.

Necessity has forced this change into my life, but maybe free time could be an opportunity for yours?

Jesus said something that reflects my simple thought today...
 “Every scholar of the Scriptures, who is instructed in the ways of heaven’s kingdom realm, is like a wealthy home owner with his house filled with treasures both new and old. And he knows how and when to bring them out to show others.” Matthew 13:52 TPT

For a someone like you and me following Jesus I think that means we have things we have learned over time plus things to learn right now. It is the old and new.
And right now you can add to your storehouse with the new.

Everything from studying God's word through to new practical skills are on offer right now to you and me. This is an amazing opportunity to build into our storehouse.
Read a book you have been putting off.
Take time to develop your relationship with God.
Learn to bake a cake (sorry that ones for me)
Study and develop a new skill that you have been wanting to try.
The opportunities right now are more endless than limited!

I want you to know that this will be very good for you.
It will not only occupy you and give you something to look forward to but it will be 3 key things:
Good for your mind
Good for your soul
Good for your spirit

Something to think about...

Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 02 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Things Change"

Today is Friday and that would normally mean for me doing all the final preparations for Sunday and the Services we host each week.
As I sit at my desk I am reminded that this Sunday and how I approach it, have fundamentially changed.
I won't get to preach my message to people face to face.
I won't get to chat over a cup of coffee.
Many things about today and then Sunday have changed, but some key things haven't.
God is not bothered in the slightest.
And the Kingdom of God will continue to advance...

I am reminded that when the Church first officially sprung into life on the day of Pentecost a 'new normal' occurred.
For them that day and forward they now received the Holy Spirit.
1000's were being saved.
Lives were being changed dramatically by God.
The Church was growing. It was on fire.

And then things changed again...

19 Now those who had been scattered by the persecution that broke out when Stephen was killed traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, spreading the word only among Jews. 20 Some of them, however, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus. 21 The Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord. Acts 11:19-21 NIV

The Church needing to discover new normals is actually God's normal.
For your prayer and mine over many years of "God build your Kingdom!" to come true, God uses moments even like the one we are in now, to see the Kingdom advance.

Can I invite you prayerfully today to discover what your 'new normal' is? Remembering that the foundations of our faith will always remain. To love God and to love people.

The delivery is allowed to change.
I for one have been praying for many years that it would change.
We simply all need to fix our eyes on Jesus, press in, charge on prayerfully, and be part of the next move of God that will grow the Kingdom even further.

Something to think about...

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 01 : Covid-19 Lockdown in Taupo : "Quote"

Our tiny nation of New Zealand is now officially closed.
Closed boarders. Closed businesses. Even closed Churches.
As we journey through this home based adventure I felt to share something simple every day.
So here we go with my Day 01 simple thought...

I am sitting here thinking about how I feel in this moment.
In my mind there are a number of unknowns even though we have planned as best we can with the 48 hours pre lockdown provided us.

Think of this moment maybe a little like following Jesus for the first time.
You haver some idea what it means but also not a lot of an idea.
Does that stop you?
No. You step out in faith following Him not knowing exactly where it will take you next.
You just know it is the right thing to do.

Right now being in the first day, first stage of a nationwide lockdown, I have some idea but not a complete understanding of what may come.
Does that stop me?
No. I am now stepping out in faith on some level in the governments plan, but more importantly I stepping out in faith with Jesus.
I just know it is the right thing to do.

You maybe like me today, wondering a little how this will all pan out?
The equation for life before and life now as a follower of Jesus is actually exactly the same.
It is all about faith. It is all about trust. It is all about Jesus.

Someone shared a great Corrie ten Boom quote today...
"If you look at the world you'll be distressed.
If you like within you'll be depressed.
But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest."

Something to think about...

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Simple Thought (Virus Edition)

Sorry that I don't have a more creative title, but being clever is not the agenda of my post today.
Right now your world doesn't need more clever and creative marketing, what yours and my world needs right now is more deep and profound.

You might be asking why?
Why this virus? Why the panic? Why toilet paper?
Why God?

Right now and as I type this I can honestly say I don't have many "why" questions.
My questions are all based around "what"?

"What" is the Church going to look like and function like in this season?
"What" can I do personally to minister to my world?

My "what" is based on the "what" I know about God.
1. He is not surprised by any of these events.
2. He is in control.
3. God has always had a plan for the salvation of people across this amazing world He has made.

Personally and as the Church, we need to discover quickly the "what" is for this season.
Seasoned with grace, filled with compassion, the Church I believe is poised to have an impact that was maybe thought to be limited to the big Church. 
This is a season for the whole Church worldwide to rise. To minister to everyone and anyone well.

I want to encourage you to join me today praying for the Holy Spirit to show us all what our "what" should be.
Get ready my friend! 
We are about to be used by God to a while new level...

Something to think about...

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What floats your boat?

When someone asks you "what floats your boat?" they are asking about what makes you happy?
Instinctively I think we focus on simple quick things like a great coffee, a favourite meal, a favourite form of entertainment, or time with someone who is special to us.

As I thought about that question today, I began to think that while those things can bring joy for a moment, do they really bring the buoyancy we need to live our lives well?
Coffee lasts a moment and later in the day you crave another.
A favourite meal is ingested and the taste fades into our memories.
They are not by definition powerful enough to give our lives they hope we all crave.
And in that I think is the wrestle and answer we all look for...

I believe the hope floats!
What we place our hope in is what we hope will float the boat we travel through life on.
What you put you hope in is what you want to carry you forward.
Hope is in fact our buoyancy!

Now as I thought about it some more while looking at the battles raging online, I saw this theme play out again and again. People are placing their hope in things to help guide their lives that I am personally concerned will only leave them disappointed and even one day feeling very hopeless.

I hear people passionately encouraging others to embrace a sexual identity. That only then will you feel right as a person. That sex in itself is the answer to finding hope and direction.
Others are pushing hard to have people discover a political system as their saviour. That if we could finally embrace together the "perfect one", all our prayers will be answered, our collective hopes for the world will be finally realised.
And other groups tell us from the mountain tops that the "right religion" is the best way to navigate the seas of life.

Here is my simple thought, simple answer, simple encouragement for you today based on some great verses from scripture...

Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
    but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
Psalm 20:7 NIV

but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!
Romans 15:13 TPT

Please consider doing this today my friend?
Make God himself to be your hope. Place your life in His hands.
Put your hope in the One who can truly float your boat!

Something to think about...