That is a title that stirs my interest!
When someone does something on purpose or even inadvertently to someone else that is wrong, you regularly hear the comment "I thought they were a Christian..."
During discussions over major issues in the world today some say "if you were really a follower of Christ..." to mean you need sometimes to change your ideas to theirs.
While the ultimate goal of anyone following Jesus here on earth is to spend eternity with Him, what should our goal be now? What should we be attaining to, reaching for, goal setting for, going after with passion? And the answer for me is always Jesus!
Jesus over religion.
Jesus over rights.Jesus over ambition.
Jesus over being right.
The list goes on until we become I believe more and more "Christ like".
Less of me and far more of Him!
The only person I think you can potentially make more Christ like is yourself.
After 2000 years of people trying to make others more and more like Jesus, I have observed it is pretty hard. In fact following Jesus for yourself is hard let alone trying to make someone else do it.
Jesus summed it up for us I believe in a few key statements.
30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31 niv
Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” John 14:21 niv
If you and I simply read Jesus words in the Gospels for the rest of lives and did them, you will not fail to be more Christ like.
That is a formula for your faith that you can bank on.
It is about His revelation to your heart and in turn your heart turning to give it all for Him.
'Christ like' people are most definitely 'Christ like'.
That is where we got the original idea of being a 'Christian'. Some people saw a another group of people acting a lot like Jesus so they were termed 'Christian' - meaning little christ. (Acts 11)
Can I encourage to join me on this most privileged and honourable journey and become more and more 'Christ like'?
Where you and I just take Jesus at His word. Act like Him. Love like Him. Give like Him.
It will change your world and everyone else around you that you come into contact with!
Something to think about...
Christlike. /ˈkraɪstˌlaɪk/ adjective. resembling or showing the spirit of Jesus Christ. Christlikeness, noun.
If you want to read someone elses ideas on this, you can check it out here...