In Christianity today you will get every answer under the sun, including what I have read today, lots of dribble about not engaging in it. The other end of the spectrum can be just as wrong, so let's have a wee look together and see what we come up with?
Ephesians 6 tells that we are all in a battle. No one is able to stand on the sidelines of faith.
Paul explains things in terms of battle armaments simply because he knows it is a battle that we face.
The devil tried to trip up Jesus and he will try and do the same to you and yours.
But don't worry - do this thing God's way - and you will win!
Whatever battle you are in, it is always the Lords battle. He is the one who goes before us!
And if God is on you're side, what do we have to worry about?
Submit to the side you want to win
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 niv
If you want to win the battle submit all of your life (good, bad, struggles, hopes) to God and watch the devil run away. Resisting God is what the devil did and it hasn't worked out too well for him...
Don't hide from God when it gets hard, run to Him.
Pray with faith and declaration
It is ok to pray those
"God help me" type prayers at times. But I have found that fighters choose to pray with fighting words. Using the authority God has given us, we can stand on His Word and declare His goodness and victory over whatever we are facing.
Worship in the force of insurmountable odds
Joshua lead God's people around a town they could never fight and win against. All He asked them to do is worship and shout and because they did, He tore down the walls and gave them victory over their enemy.
You can do the same. Worship God with your life.
Corporately we can worship together.
And the result will be the same - victory!
Choose action that flies in the face of logic but is Holy Spirit inspired.
I have always loved the stories of battles fought and battles won. They are ones you can learn victory for yourself from...
Like the time God got Moses to hold a staff over this head. When he did they were winning the battle.
When we do the right things for the right reasons. When we do what God asks us to do and the strategy for battle he readily provides, victory is sure.
What has God asked you to do? Do that!
So paint your face with blue (Braveheart).
Pick up your sword, up your shield.
That's fight together and see what only God can do!
Something to think about...
Extra References:
Ephesians 6:10-18
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Matthew 18:18-19
Romans 12:21
Joshua 23:10
Deuteronomy 3:22