You have probably seen it...
Maybe even participated in it yourself?
The copying or emulating of someone you looked up...
When I was a teenager I desperately wanted to be a rockstar.
I studied them, dressed like them, acted like them (badly ...), started a band.
Vince Neil was in a band called Motley Crue.
I thought he was pretty cool at the time. I wanted to be like him so much I even made copies of his stage outfits and wore one to a school dance. How embarrassing!!!
My life is quite a bit different now. I want to copy Jesus.
The simplest definition I have found for what copying Jesus is is this...to be His disciple.
By definition disciples simply copy who they are being discipled by.
If I am being discipled by Jesus - I copy Jesus.
If your desire is be a disciple of Jesus like me, what is something you could copy from what you have seen Him do?
He trusted in God to meet His needs - even paying a temple tax via fish one day.
He was able to be a blessing even without resource - at a wedding feast.
He healed those He come into contact with.
He made
time to spend with His Father.
He said the right thing to the right people at the right time in the right way.
He picked the right people to spend the best of Himself with.
My challenge to you if you are keen, is to pick one thing and copy Jesus for the next 7 days and see what happens...
I am not meaning one day of copying. Copy Him every day for 7 days.
Then see what your life is like then?
Something to think about...
Ephesians 5:1
1 Peter 2:21
1 John 2:6