Apparently you can't be under 50 and live there...
And my first thought was, is that fair?
Someone else proposed a new benefit based on a normal part of life, and one I can't be involved in anymore...
And I wonder, is that right, is that even fair?
Sometimes I tell my kids we are about to do something...
And the anthem is clear and loud, "that's not fair..."
It is like as humans we want something called 'fair'.
Apparently fair means free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice, which is something we all like the sound of. But I have also seen that our own personal subjectivity flavours what we think is fair or not.
So today I have been asking myself if I should be looking for more fairness in my life?
Should I be going out of my way to create a world around me where it is more fair than not fair?
And for me I have come to the realisation that fair is too hard!
No matter what I do, someone will always try and accuse of me of unfairness.
And if I live my live striving for fairness I am probably going frustrate myself or someone else all the time.
So I am replacing fair with another word in my life...
The word is selfless.
Selfless means having little or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money, etc.; unselfish.
Imagine a world where everyone was selfless. Go on!
If we all got to that point, I think we would actually not wonder about fairness.
Selflessness conquers selfishness, which in turns creates fairness.
Jesus is our ultimate example of this...
The Son of God gave up all his rights and privileges in heaven, to take a punishment and death he did not to deserve, for a people who didn't care one bit about him.
That my friends is the ultimate example of selfless!
And in doing the most selfless act in history, he creates a better world for us.
So do you want to keep looking for what is fair?
Or do want to the change the world and look to be selfless?
Something to think about...