I would like to give you some advice on advice…
Why? I guess spurred on from what I have seen in the last few years regarding advice.
I want to give you something to think about?
Maybe encourage you to look at it a little more closely?
Because it can be a wonderful friend or a terrible foe, all depending on what it is…
Beyond my mere opinion on it, the Bible has quite a bit to say regarding advice.
It has advice on advice so to speak.
It talks about advice and how it can come from good sources and bad.
It talks about advice being really important when it comes to the biggest challenges we face in life.
It talks about advice and how we need to be careful where we get it from. That a wrong source of it, while seemingly ‘good’ can end up bad.
It even talks about advice being given and ignored.
My ultimate place to go for advice is God.
I am unashamed in that! Nothing else comes close to going back to the source of my life and the one who has a fantastic plan for my life.
I also go to trusted people who I know care more about me than my feelings. They are the people who want to tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear...and that is challenging I have to admit.
When you are looking for advice I would suggest this…
Only talk a few people. Maybe 2 or 3. No more.
Beyond that you will potentially get confused or you will go with the crowd.
(Avoid FACEBOOK for big advice needs! hint hint)
Try to talk to people who don’t necessarily have a vested interest either way in a decision outcome, but yet still have vested interested in you personally.
Simply pray about it honestly and ask God to show you His guiding and to especially give you His peace.
A great test is to ask yourself if you really have asked Him and listened to Him. If not, please do it.
Here is a scripture to consider…
Proverbs 13:10 niv
Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
I think great advice is such a fantastic gift to us all.
Grab a hold of it and let it make your life so much better.
Something to think about…