I read a story this week that really intrigued me!
It was all about a time in the history of the Israelites where they once again wanted to turn back to God.
Yes, I know there are plenty of examples of that happening…
But this one was a little different and it certainly got me thinking!
This was during the days where the Israelites were slowly returning from captivity. Ezra was a leader of a new group of returning exiles. He came back to Jerusalem with tons of silver and gold, intent on restoring the temple and hopefully the nation of Israel to some degree.
What he saw really bothered him.
He noticed that the current Israelite inhabitants were married to ‘foreign women’. They had given their sons and daughters in marriage to anyone else around them. For Israel this was something God had asked them not to do.
So what was the solution to issue?
Well they made the decision to get ‘rid’ of their wives if they were not Israelite! Which really impacted me.
It made me wonder what that would have been like?
I could imagine the distress for the families.
I could imagine the pain this caused.
The stress of having to make a call that would have been horrendous!
I sat there wondering how that story has application for my life right now?
Then a scripture came to mind…
Hebrews 12:1
...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
All of will have times where we come to reflect on the state of our walk with Christ, the state of our lives. At those times you can realize an area of sin or something that is slowing you or restricting you in God.
God’s advice to us hasn’t changed!
Don’t go there to start with.
But if you have, get rid of it! Throw it off!
Make the change that you need to, so you continue to grow in God.
Can I encourage to simply pray and ask God if there is anything holding you back at the moment?
If there is, throw it away...