Wednesday, June 05, 2024


I know I don't write as much anymore...

Lots of reasons for that and too long to explain in this simple thought, so maybe another day...

What I haven't ever stopped doing is looking at the world, what I believe to be true, what I am experiencing in life, and then trying to process it as logically as possible.

Many times over the last few years I have thought about writing on this topic of truth and felt so unqualified, so nervous, even too insecure to put "pen to paper" or words on a post. I am still there but also struggling not to say something or a whole lot of somethings!

I recognise that I have certain beliefs, dogmas and values. I truly hope they are right or as close to right as possible, with some possibility and opportunity to tweak and develop them better as time goes by.

So here is the essence of this simple thought today.
I am very concerned that we are all being conned.

I am basing this on several years of difficult research. Hours of reviewing my beliefs/truths against the backdrop of the social media I follow, the YouTube channels I watch and the ensuing recommendations each platform type gives me.
My discovery is maybe not new to you but I have come to fully believe our lives are being polarised potentially on purpose. The bias of algorithms are pervasive. They only ever push you in a direction someone else appears to have chosen for you or reinforces a position you already hold.

So here I am wondering if you or anyone else wants me to explain this further?
Or is this just for me to have realisation about?
Do I even want to put my head above the parapet of convention to be potentially fired upon?

At the least I want to encourage to look beyond what is being presented as truth these days.
And maybe I am fishing to see if this is the direction I should go, whether you want me to get back on the YouTube horse (or similar) and share my thoughts more about and with the world?

Something to think about...
and something I would love your feedback on!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Overcooked or Undercooked Faith

Today I decided to take a break from podcasts or talk back radio on my drive home from a delivery I made. Flicked on my iTunes and it played More than Able by Elevation.

I have heard it a few times and always enjoyed the musical space in the chorus but I also have to admit that I have a problem with it. Not the song really, but what it causes me to do, the reaction I have to it specifically. When I listen to it it makes me think and ponder many things. Some macro and some micro.

For me personally I begin to question whether I really do believe the sentiment.
During the chorus is makes we consider whether I do believe God is more than able in my life or whether through all my hurts that my faith has been tarnished?
And then that phrase at end reflecting on whether God is finished with us yet, or us individually, that gets to me honestly, because I have many times wondered whether He has finished with me?

As I pondered this more and more I kept coming back to something that I have always believed from his word, that faith is what pleases God.
It is not the looking good. Or nailing some spiritual discipline for everyone to see. It seems to always come back to be faith.

So here I am pondering faith, my faith, where ever that might be...
And then I pictured others reaction to this song and the same sentiments.

I have seen polarised positions on this recently.
One group are believing for amazing things. They are praying hard. They are responding in a worship service according, stirred to believe God is more than able as the song is sung.
There is another who struggles to believe God for anything beyond the most simple. Who look at the first group with a healthy dose of cynicism for their hyper faith.

Honestly it is easy to be in either camp!
You can be caught up in moment believing for the most amazing.
Or you can be practical, maybe even cynical in another moment in time.

What I keep coming back to is personal.
It is not what the hyper faith believe or what the cynics say to counter things.
It is always what is happening in my heart that matters most.

So maybe what I am trying to say is this...
Don't compare you faith or passion or belief to everyone else like you have to compete to receive.
Don't allow your heart to explain things away, or be bitter due to hurt and cynicism.
Try and do faith just you and God in quietness and confidence.
Pray and allow God to shape faith in your life and do what you can to live by faith.

That is part of my journey right now. Maybe that is part of yours as well?

Something to think about....

Thursday, January 26, 2023

I Learned...

We launched our business after the first Covid Lockdown.
I had recently taken some much needed time off to reflect and recover (which has taken much longer than I expected to this day) after my previous career and role simply was not available to me anymore. And after much thought I decided to launch a business doing what I seemed to be good at historically, events.
Yes you guessed it. I launched an events business when you couldn’t actually do events. 
Of course I didn’t know that was the reality. 
I wasn’t trying to be clever. 
It is just that no one knew the pandemic was not a few months and instead charged ahead for years.

So what do you do when life has changed dramatically and even your best efforts to re-invent yourself in a new career isn’t going to plan?
What have I learned so far from this uncomfortable experience?

I learned I needed to be flexible 
When my business plan appeared to be a plan for failure pretty quickly I had to flex. I had to look at what other things I could do. 
Yes a business plan should be precise and have measurable goals, and maybe I can get there one day when things are different. But my current success trajectory is based on me and my business being more flexible and responding to opportunities that I might think randomly come my way.
I say yes to new opportunities if they fit the skills we have.
I say yes to uncomfortable with the hope it develops us further into something pretty special.
I say no to needing to have all the answers why, and go with what is in front of me now.

I learned I needed to keep learning
I have honestly loved learning things all my life. And in this season I am pushing myself to keep learning no matter what. To keep adding to my skills and understanding literally a little every single day.
When you are a little older and with a lot less energy reserve this is a challenge. But this world appears to belong to those who want to gain fresh understanding and an expanded skill base, without loosing your values!

I learned that I was not superman 
But I still have something to offer…
I spent too much time during my life on reflection trying to prove myself. In fact the best thing you could ever say to me for many years to motivate me was to tell me I couldn’t do something. That was one of my kryptonite’s. One of my triggers. So I worked stupidly hard to achieve the unachievable, with some sort of an undiagnosed superman complex.
Today I try and live different. 
I am not superman but I am something the world needs. I have skills and values that just need a good home. It is better that I focus on the flex and the learning while growing into the best version of me. A version of Locky developed at a pace that makes better sense for where I am at now.

Maybe one or all three of these points resonates in some way with you today?

In full disclosure, when I say “learned” I probably mean “learning”.
This process hasn’t stopped for me. I am still trying to learn flexibility, to keep learning, and that I don’t have to be the super hero in every moment.

Something to think about...

Thursday, April 07, 2022

The What & The Why (YouTube Version)

Click on the image to watch the YouTube Clip

If you want to support what I have done and will do in the future, you can now do that with something called Buy Me A Coffee - your support means the world to us!

Thursday, March 31, 2022

The What & The Why

I want to share an approach with you that has helped me navigate life. I have simply called it "the What & the Why"...

We can find it easy to notice the What.
The What is generally obvious.
There comes meaning and relevance when we look at the Why.
The Why is where we can begin to find answers, interpret meaning, discover those all important lessons to learn.

Take what happened recently as a great example...
Academy Award winning actor Will Smith slapped a show host in the middle of proceedings.
That is the What.
It will probably be remembered and replayed for years to come. And it will at the very least be a meme that the internet community will revile in...well until the next "what moment" comes along that is big enough to overshadow it.

Understanding the Why is something that I find brings meaning, understanding, context.
There was offence taken to a joke featuring Mr Smiths wife.
There seems to be history between the host and Mr Smiths wife, as she has been the basis of another joke at the same event years before. And maybe the Why could be found in the myriad of personal life choices this couple are currently navigating?

In science it is easy to find a what, but the Why, well that is where the magic happens...
An apple fell on a mans head one day.
The What was that the apple fell on his head.
The Why began the journey to discover the universal truth of something we call gravity.

For years I have been lovingly mocked in my household for my ongoing fascination with 20th Century history, in particular the major conflicts that marked that time period.
For me the What is obvious. Two World Wars were fought. Millions died. The world dramatically changed.
The Why is what I look to to understand. To try and begin to make sense of it all.
Why did they happen? Who was key to the moments that lead to the war? What was the justification? Where was the motivation?

Right now if you life you might be dealing with a lot of the What?
And it is possibly bothering you that you don't understand the meaning behind it? You maybe find it is hampering your progress? Maybe it is causing you unwanted pain?
Can I encourage you to not be afraid to look graciously, carefully, at the Why?

Maybe you struggling with an addiction?
Or maybe a bad habit?
Stating again and again that you have one hasn't changed anything for you. It is simply stating for yourself the obvious.
When you begin to understand the Why, that is a powerful moment for you, and then in turn for those around you. Healing and hope can then begin to come.

I don't think it is wrong to ask the Why, just be kind to yourself in the process.
Sometimes it can take a while and that is ok as well, you will get there.
And don’t expect to always like what you discover, but recognise the revelation of discovery is what you probably need.

A brave person never just settles for the What, they press onto look at the Why.
A wise person carefully considers what they learn from this process and what, if any, response there should be.

Something to think about...

If you want to support what I have done and will do in the future, you can now do that with something called Buy Me A Coffee - your support means the world to us!